Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just for Fun

Just for fun, I just took a crash course in watercolor painting at the Visual Arts Center of Richmond.  I’m not really a painter but I thought it would be fun to give it a try and the class was a real steal with a Groupon deal (maybe I’m a poet). 
During the 6 hour class our instructor, Cathrine Southall, did a great job of teaching us some basic techniques including washes (wet on wet) and glazing (wet on dry).  We completed several color samplings, painted a real apple and even worked on a composition from a chosen photo.  I was pleased with the outcome overall.  It was quite a fun class.  If I didn’t already have my hand in several other arts/crafts, I’d probably be tempted to take another class and continue developing my skills.  However, I figure there will be time for that once the kids have moved out and I’m looking for things to do.  Someday. . .
Anyway, I’m in love with the VACR – love that place and wish I could afford to take more classes there.  I was really tempted by the most recent Groupon deal but let it sneak past – too bad.  The kids are also taking classes there – animation – and loving it. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Vet Training

 Homeschooling has taken an interesting turn at our house.  Veterinarian training has been mandatory this week.  Catheters, cones and crates . . . life at our house has been centered on the patient.  When to administer the meds, monitoring the urine output, mixing up the enticing entrees to induce eating – it’s all about Bentley. 
He came home from the vet on Tuesday; less than 24 hours after having emergency back surgery for a herniated disc.  The problems began about a week beforehand when poor poochie started acting strangely.  After two visits to our vet and $400 later, x-rays revealed that he had some “narrowing between discs in his back.”  After two days of rest, Prednisone, Tramadol, and Sucrulfate  the condition worsened and hubby and I were reduced to laying on the floor beside our pained pooch all night watching him suffer (it was a Sunday night and not much could be done) until daylight when we could get him into the car and back to the vet’s office and then off to the Emergency Center for surgery. 
At an additional cost of $3200 and an estimated 6-12 week recovery, during which time we’d have to support his hind end everywhere he went, some discussion ensued before going forward.  He’s a fabulous pet, is only 4.5 years old and is an integral part of our family. Besides, who needs vacations (or food and gas) or sanity?  It’s all overrated!
Anyway, he’s home.  We’re on day 4.  Pooch is regaining some power over his hind quarters – enough to stand for a few seconds, and is following doctor’s orders (and mom’s and dad’s).  He’s such a good boy!  It’s been quite comical at times - trying to manage a leash, catheter, and towel support all at one time while he’s leading his front part out of the crate and we’re trying to get his back part to follow closely behind (so to speak).  Scott has taken the night duty, sleeping downstairs beside the patient while me and the kids are doing school work in the kitchen where we can keep an eye on him at all times during the day.  Of course we're praying for a full recovery but nothing is guaranteed. We're committed either way.
It remains to be seen how we will manage the days when we all need to be out of the house.  Grandma is on standby for babysitting. . . It’ll be much easier once the catheter is out (which might be tonight judging on how much of it has worked its way out all ready and I’ve talked to the surgeon about just pulling it out the rest of the way – Ick!). But I'm sure we'll find a way to manage.  2011 has gotten off to an interesting start.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Launching the New Year

     After the paper and presents have been put away for another year and the ball has dropped while we all looked on in disbelief at the plastic face of Dick Clark, it seems that all the fun has come and gone and another holiday season is at an end. . . But wait!. . .it’s New Year’s Day. . .we stumble out of bed, stuff something in our pie-holes, grab coffee, and head out to a local school soccer field where our friends are already setting up the launch pads.  Our friends, the Walsh family, began a New Year’s Day tradition in 2003 that has quickly becoming one of our favorite annual events.  
     The New Year’s Day Rocket Launch is quite a blast (pun intended). Many of our homeschool friends and other Walsh family friends turn up with rockets in hand.  The dads are at the ready with the kids nearby and the countdowns begin. 10, 9, 8. . . Blastoff! The rockets shoot skyward and the children take off, eyes focused on the moving target, as they race across the field to catch the falling remains (some of which are never found –like ours).
Dan Walsh getting ready to launch the newest family- created rocket
    After a few hours of launching and running, launching and running, launching and . . . . we all head over to the Walsh home to refuel with Pizza, soups, desserts and friendly conversation . We've been launched into 2011.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poochie Blues

Bed rest for 3 weeks!  How do you keep a dog down? 
Our pooch, who looks like he’s ancient but is only really 3 years old, has come down with a bad back.  After many days of the hang-dog blues and several trips to the vet (and $400, ahem) we’ve established that Bentley has some bulging discs in his back that are causing poor poochie lots of pain.  6 pills a day and bed rest for 3 weeks. . . how does one accomplish such a thing, especially with 2 children in the house who love to romp with him (thus maybe explaining why he has a bad back in the first place).  To boot, the meds are making him have to urinate about every 20 minutes and we have to take him out on a leash now to keep him from running like a maniac around the yard (the pain killers seem to be doing their job).  It’s this or risk a ruptured disc that would require surgery. 
Sadly enough, I’ve been in his shoes (or booties).  I had a ruptured disc years ago and was parked on my mother’s couch for 3 weeks while she waited on me hand and foot.   It was unbelievably painful – so I know what you’re feelin’ pooch.  And Mom, if I haven’t said ‘thank you’ recently for those weeks of servitude – let me just say ‘thank you again – you saved me from some serious back surgery.’  Let’s hope I can do the same for my four-legged friend.