Sunday, March 14, 2010

Coast to Coast

 Kerby and Joelle exploring behind our campsite in Bonita
Days 70—73    Written 3/13/10
I loved the desert with its unique beauty and jagged mountains but I’d forgotten what joy warm sunshine and green valleys also bring.  It’s funny, coming into California after being in TX, NM and AZ all this time; it’s like crossing into another dimension.  The landscape is so different.
 San Diego looking from Point Loma Light House

We took a ride up the road to Point Loma Light House and Cabrillo National Monument (named after the Spanish explorer who is believed to be the first European to step foot on the west coast).

 Left to Right: Scott/Tank, Kerby/Bobby, Nan/Stanley and Joelle/Pawny
On Scott’s birthday, which happened to be yesterday, we went horseback riding in a rural area of San Diego at a nearby ranch.  For an hour we rode peacefully (the 4 of us and a guide) through the green fields.  It was a clear and sunny day in the 70’s - apparently the typical day in Bonita – not a bad place to hang out. After taking months of horseback riding lessons at home, Kerby and Joelle were thrilled to mount up and sit in the saddle once more.  It was great fun for all of us.
 Stuck in LA traffic. . .
Playing on the west coast (our campsite is right above Kerby and Joelle's heads in the top pic)

This afternoon I finally put my feet in the Pacific Ocean for the first time.  We arrived at Malibu Beach RV Park (right on the Pacific Coast Hwy) around 3:30 and, after setting up, wasted no time in getting down to the shore (which is just across the road and easily seen from our hillside campsite).  The water was much warmer than we anticipated.  Still too cold to swim (at least for me) but warm enough to wade in.  The kids were ecstatic to be at the beach (a family favorite). We spent the better part of an hour splashing around and enjoying the Malibu scenery then headed off for a fresh seafood dinner at a nearby beachside restaurant. 

We’re looking forward to a few more nice days here where we plan to take in some more sun and sea, catch up with one of Scott’s former students who’s about to be married and is eager for us to meet her future husband, and see the LA sites (if we can negotiate the traffic – it’s murder out here).

Mountains. . . . Desert. . . . Beach. . . I don’t know. . . I love them all!

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