Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolutions

It’s been way too long since I posted here.  Of course this blog was first created to document our 4 month trip around the U.S.  This time last year we were scrambling around trying to get everything in order before we took off.  It’s hard to believe we left, travelled for 4 months and have been back for 8 months.  It seems like the blink of an eye. 
However, 2010 is starting to fade into the distance and 2011 draws ever closer, so I figured it was time to get writing again.  

The New Year always feels like an opportunity for new beginnings.  It probably has more to do with the break in typical activities (homeschooling, running the kids to various events, etc.)  and the chance to actually slow down enough to have a coherent thought than it does with the beginning of a new year.  But the holidays always leave me feeling closer to family and friends and wanting (like last year) to do a better job of getting together with both.  Thus begin the resolutions.  

My husband and I have a long standing tradition of writing down our New Year’s resolutions in a booklet we update annually on New Year’s Eve (or thereabouts).  We have our personal resolutions of course which always include some form of body renovations.  Then we have our family resolutions which usually have a financial focus.  Can anyone relate here?  It’s always interesting to pull this book out of hiding on the eve of January 1 and see what resolutions we actually accomplished during the previous year.  I love knowing what my hubbie’s goals are and where he wants to go in life and I think the family goals help us refocus on our common interests.  Of course it’s also interesting to go back say 10 years and look at what we wrote then versus now.  It’s funny how our goals get more realistic as time goes on.   I guess we’ve learned to include at least some things we know are obtainable.  It’s sort of like adding things to a list that you’ve already accomplished and then marking them off just so you can see the progress you’ve made (yes, I actually do that sometimes).  I have friends who strive to get their Masters Degree, enter an Iron Man competition or  . . . I have to admit that none of mine are quite that ambitious.  They usually read something like – ‘survive another year of homeschooling,’ ‘learn how to spin fiber into yarn,’ or ‘try to squeeze some exercise in my days.’
Anyway, tomorrow I know I’ll be marking at least one thing off of last year’s list – “Travel for 4 months across the U.S.”  -- yippee!  This year’s goal -- I’m finally going to quilt the 9 quilt tops sitting in a heap in the sewing room closet.

So here’s to all of you who are setting your goals for the year!  May you all accomplish your dreams (or at least a small part of that dream) in 2011.

Happy New Year!

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